iA Writer – A New Kind of Processor

When you think of word processors, I’m sure that Microsoft Word or Google Docs comes to mind first. They are easy-to-use and have plenty of options to create any kind of document you’d like. However, maybe sometimes you get so worked up about what a document is going to look like, that you can’t concentrate on the actual words that need to go into it. […]

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Be A Social Media Champion

Your personal social media page is a reference, a reflection of who you are, and creates an image. If you’re doing social media for your own business, or on behalf of others, your personal social media presence matters. In Public Relations, the face of the person delivering the message has an impact. If the person behind the message is trusted, the message has more impact. […]

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Email Newsletters: The Basics

It seems that in digital marketing, social media has become king. Nearly every business has a Facebook page, with Twitter and Instagram being almost as prevalent. Snapchat, too, is starting to gain traction for businesses. If you Google “Tips for marketing on [insert social media site here]”, you will find thousands of articles with tips that will draw followers, likes, and customers. However, it’s important […]

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6 Types of Social Media Content that Drive Engagement

Social Media Content that drives engagement falls into six general categories: Promotion, Education, Connection, Conversation, Inspiration and Entertainment. Using a combination of these types of stories will enhance your social media strategy and help grow your audience. Promotional posts focus on products and services. Content may include information about discounts you are offering, client testimonials, customer reviews, and webinars that describe how the product works. […]

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8 Trusty Tips for Twitter

Having trouble getting started when it comes to the Twitterverse? This once 40 and now 280-character platform is used to get to the point quickly and loudly with words, images, and videos. Below are some quick tips to understand how to make your tweets count. Tweet daily: Really, this goes for any social media account you may use. If you don’t look active, you’ll lose […]

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Preventing Stress: How to Ground Yourself

Before you ask, no, I don’t mean electrically. We’re not trying to prevent a build-up of static here, even if shocking everything you touch is incredibly annoying. The type of grounding we’re talking about is spiritual grounding. Running a business can be incredibly stressful – it comes with the job. Depending on your occupation, you likely experience stress at least occasionally. Some people thrive under […]

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Give Yourself A Gratitude Boost

Studies show that practicing gratitude changes how your brain functions. It even lowers depression levels for those who suffer from chronic depression. But it does take practice; it’s especially difficult to be thankful when things get overwhelming and times are stressful. When things are going wrong is when we most need a gratitude boost. Making a gratitude jar can help. Include the family. Write thankful […]

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What Does Your Audience Really See?

Social Media provides an opportunity to know others. As we connect with friends and family we see what they are doing, the things they view as important, and we may learn new things about their personalities – hopefully all positive. Our consistency in how we present ourselves to the world sends an important message. It may give us pause if our friends, family or acquaintances […]

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Social Media Success

How can you reach the broader audience with your social media posts? How are businesses reaching 600, 1,000, 6,000 views? Wouldn’t you love to have a post that goes viral? Content is everything! First, know your audience. What do they like? What do they need? What do you have to offer that is unique? What sets you apart from your competitors? What do you offer […]

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The Social Media Wave

Your social media efforts matter! They matter, not only to you, but to the entire community. Your positive efforts, your positive messages, your products and services, and your successes can create a wave that reflects on all of us. As we are all telling our stories, informing about products and services we have to offer, sharing news about important things happening, it creates a positive message about our community at […]

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