13 May, 2018
Social Media Success
How can you reach the broader audience with your social media posts? How are businesses reaching 600, 1,000, 6,000 views? Wouldn’t you love to have a post that goes viral? Content is everything! First, know your audience. What do they like? What do they need? What do you have to offer that is unique? What sets you apart from your competitors? What do you offer […]
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13 May, 2018
The Social Media Wave
Your social media efforts matter! They matter, not only to you, but to the entire community. Your positive efforts, your positive messages, your products and services, and your successes can create a wave that reflects on all of us. As we are all telling our stories, informing about products and services we have to offer, sharing news about important things happening, it creates a positive message about our community at […]
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