Growing Opportunity

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison  At the end of my working life, my greatest joy is mentoring young people. In them, I am reminded of my younger self – at 15, 21, 30… I see their promise. I see their great strengths and hope. Like me, they will fail to see […]

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Meet Colton Miller

The latest addition to the GBS team, completing an intern requirement, is Video Production/Editor: Colton Miller. Colton recently graduated from IUP in Communications Media. He is enjoying learning from co-owner and 40-year Video Producer: Linda Henderson. Welcome to the team Colton! #NewTeamMember #GBS #GBSIntern #VideoProduction

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Hiring Stars in a Low Unemployment Market

If you spend more than 10 minutes in a conversation with today’s business leaders and ask them to identify their top challenges, I am willing to bet that hiring qualified employees will be in their top five. As business leaders, we have experienced many changes in the employment market. Some of you may recall years when recruiting was uncomplicated and qualified candidates outnumbered the available […]

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