The Value of Online Reviews
Despite your best efforts, you’re not going to get a five-star rating from every customer with whom you interact. But you can realize the value in a great rating when you do receive it!
Read MoreExpressing kindness and compassion doesn’t have to be costly. After surviving a world pandemic, I would like to think we are all working harder to be better humans. As with many things in life, the more you practice kindness and compassion, the easier and more natural it becomes. Here are eight ways to Spread the Light: Give your phone a break and focus on real […]
Read MoreNothing will sour the perception of a brand with customers like creative dissonance. If you want to project the image of a fun-loving company that cares about its customers and the community, then be sure that’s who you are as a company.
Read MoreAs we turn the calendar over to 2021, let’s take stock using some simple steps to polish your digital footprint.
Read MoreThis year has brought many challenges for all of us. Whether you’re keeping a small business afloat, getting acclimated to working at home, or caring for family members—you’re rising to the occasion. There are so many silver linings scattered throughout this time that can we all be thankful for. Perhaps some that can have lasting changes on how we approach both business and personal relationships […]
Read MoreBefore you answer, ask yourself this question: Is it possible for a business that provides a good product or service but uses older technology to grow? I’d say yes. A business that provides good products or services has essentially achieved the following: Existing technology meets the requirements Additional financial resources are not presently required Labor understands the existing technology Production/Process issues are solved or manageable […]
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