Share Your Photos on Flickr
Flickr was around before ‘social media’ was even a buzz word. Flickr is a photo
sharing platform and social network where users upload photos for others to see.
It’s more focused on the art of photography than any other social media platform.
Flickr is a great place to store all of your images online. The free version allows
you to store up to 1,000 images, and ALL features are available without signing up
for a Pro Account. You can even store higher resolution files without paying any
Flickr is owned by Yahoo. You can sign up at or by using the free
mobile app. It’s available for both iOS and Android devices. So if you like taking
photos just for fun, or professionally, start building a portfolio on Flickr. You can
search, edit and organize photos in seconds. Keep your memories safe!
And remember, as the saying goes: “The best camera is the one you have on you.”
So, take those photos and share them with friends, family, and the world.
Written by Blog Contributor: Holly L. Gibbons